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低地雨林群落是我国热带地区重要的森林群落类型之一,在发挥热带森林的生态功能中占有 重要的位置。为揭示低地雨林群落特征,在海南岛吊罗山自然保护区内,选取低地雨林设立 1 ha 固定样 地。结果表明:群落中胸径≥ 3 cm 的乔木树种共 3 660 株,分属于 52 科 121 属 236 种;乔木层中龙脑香 科、大戟科、壳斗科占据较大的优势,其中青皮是群落的建群种,具有明显的热带分布特征;低密度种 97 种,占样地总树种数的 41.10%;群落中植物个体数量、胸径级呈倒“J”字型,处于旺盛的发展阶段, 胸径较小,结构分层不明显;吊罗山低地雨群落特征分析至少面积要达到 6 400 m2 。
关键词:   低地雨林;群落结构;低密度种;最小取样面积
Community Characteristics of A Lowland Rainforest in Diaoluoshan in Hainan Province
HAN Tian-yu,SHEN Yan,WANG Xu,, and
College of Life Science and Techology,Central South University of Forest and Technology,College of Life Science and Techology,Central South University of Forest and Technology,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chniese Academy of Forsetry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chniese Academy of Forsetry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chniese Academy of Forsetry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chniese Academy of Forsetry
The lowland rainforest community is one of the important types of tropical forest communities, and plays an important role in the ecological function in China. To reveal the community characteristics of lowland rainforest, one hectare sampling plot was established in a typical lowland rainforest in Diaoluoshan Natural Reserve of Hainan island. Results showed that trees with DBH ≥ 3.0 cm were about 3 660 individuals belonging to 121 genera and 52 families. Dominant families were Dipterocarpaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Fagaceae. Vatica mangachapoi had the largest importance value and was regarded as the construction species of the community . The community had a very typical tropical plant floria characteristics .The relationship between tree individuals and DBH distribution appears a inverted “J” form, which show the community is an active and productive stage, with small trees and obvious and no obvious layers structure. The minimum sampling area to analysis community characteristics of the lowland rain community in the Diaoluo Mountains should be at least 6 400 m2 . The results of the study are intended to provide theoretical basis for the construction of tropical national parks and biodiversity conservation.
Key words:   lowland rainforest;community structure;low-density species;minimun sampling area