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4 种引种金合欢(Acacia podalyriifolia, A.boormanii, A. cultriformis, A. adunca) 种子种皮透性差, 常规处理的萌发率低。为获得更高的种子发芽率,采用不同水温浸种、浓硫酸不同拌种时间+ 不同水温 烫种 3 个因素13 种组合处理种子。结果表明: 100 ℃高温烫种可缩短种子发芽高峰出现时间8.0~9.6 d、 种子发芽势提高660.9%~2 709.1%、发芽率提高171.9%~1 222.2%,水温对种子萌发影响差异显著 (P < 0.01)。浓硫酸拌种+ 高温浸种组合处理比单一相同水温浸种处理的种子发芽高峰提早0.8~3.6 d、 种子发芽势提高13.6%~106.8%、发芽率提高18.9%~185.0%,达到显著差异(P < 0.01)。浓硫酸拌种 5 min+100 ℃沸水烫种处理银叶金合欢、迎春金合欢、刀叶金合欢 3 种种子及浓硫酸拌种1 min+80 ℃热 水烫种处理金雨金合欢种子的萌发效果最好(P < 0.01)。
关键词:   金合欢种子;种子处理;发芽高峰期;发芽势;发芽率
Effects of Different Treatments on Seed Germination of Four Species of Acacia
WenShurong,Xu Dongxian,Tang Mincong,ChenXingcheng,PanQiuxia,TANG Hong-hui and 无
Guangdong Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou Guangdong,Xu Dongxian,Longyandong Farm of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong
It is widely known that poor germination in Acacia due to seed coat, which prevents the access of water necessary. In order to improve seed germination, 13 different treatments were used for Acacia podalyriifolia, A. boormanii, A. cultriformis, A. adunca. The results showed that the effect of water temperature on seed germination was significantly(P<0.01). Soaking in hot water (100℃ ) could shorten the peak time 8.0~9.6 d and increased the germination potential and germination rate by 660.9%~2 709.1% and 171.9%~1 222.2% respectively . The treatment (immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid (98% H2SO4) combined with soaking in hot water) was better than that only soaking in hot water (P<0.01), this treatment could shorten the peak time 0.8~3.6 d and increase the germination potential and germination rate by 13.6%~106.8% and 18.9%~185.0% respectively. Immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid for 5 minutes combined with soaking in hot water (100 ℃ ) was the best treatment for A. podalyriifolia, A. boormanii, A. cultriformis, and immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid for 1 minutes combined with soaking in hot water (80 ℃ ) was the best treatment for A. adunca (P < 0.01).
Key words:   Acacia seeds;seed treatment;the peak qermination;germination potential;germination rate