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研究通过泡沫容器轻基质试验,筛选适合油茶 Camellia oleifera 苗木培育的轻基质配方。研究结果表明:除不同配方基质间根系表面积在 α=0.1 水平上差异显著外,苗木生长、生物量及根系性状配方基质间、不同油茶材料间在 α=0.05 水平上差异显著。根据生长量、生物量和根系指标进行主成分分析,将配方基质分为三类,第一类是泥炭土 70% + 珍珠岩 30%(B1)、椰糠 60%+ 珍珠岩 30% + 黄心土 10%(B2)、椰糠 75%+ 黄心土 25%(B3),第二类是泥炭土 50% + 椰糠 40%+ 黄心土 10%(B4),第三类是纯 黄心土(B5)。配方基质 B2、B3,苗木生长好,适应性强;配方基质纯黄心土,苗木生长较差,适应性一般;而配方基质 B1、B4,1 a 生时保存率极低,苗木适应性差。在油茶轻基质材料中,椰糠是一种育苗效果较好材料。移苗半年生时,除扦插苗保存率较低为 67.8%,普通油茶 C. deifera、高州油茶 C. drupifera、广宁红山茶 C. semiserrata 种子苗保存率都在 80% 以上,至一年时,高州油茶扦插苗和广宁红花油茶保存率仅为 38.0%、45.7%,总体上看,1 a 生苗木保存率偏低。轻基质材料育苗时,使用泡沫育苗容器,其孔口直径应大于 7 cm,容器高大于 14 cm,管理要精细,做好基质保湿管理。
关键词:   油茶;轻基质;椰糠;泡沫育苗容器
Report of Light Media Nursery Test For Camellia
Wang Minghuai,ZHANG Yingzhong and TANG Xuxiao
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization/Guangdong Academy of Forestry
In this study, the light media formula of Camellia oleifera seedlings was selected by foam container light media test. The results showed that there were significant differences at 0.05 level in seedling growth, biomass and root system characters among different formulations and different C. oleifera varieties, except difference in root surface area at 0.1 level among different formulations. The light media formulations could be divided into three groups by principal component analysis, the first was B1, B2, B3, the second was B4, and the third was B5. The media B2, B3 had good growth and adaptability, while the media B5 had poor growth and adaptability, while the formula medium B1, B4 had a very low survival rate at one year and poor seedling adaptation. Coconut bran was a better light media material for seedling raising of C. oleifera. When the seedlings were transferred for half a year, the preservation rate of the cuttings was lower, only 67.8%, the preservation rates of the three kinds of Camellia (C.semiserrata, C. deifera, C. drupifera) were all above 80%, and for one year . When light media material were used on seedling, the diameter and the height of the container should be more than 7 cm and 14 cm respectively when using foam seedling container, and the management should be fine and the medium should be moisturized.
Key words:   Camellia oleifera; light media; coconut bran; foam seedling container