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广东省是全国红树林分布面积最大的省份。开展红树林分布与动态变化研究,有利于促进红树林的保护、恢复和合理利用。采用遥感区划与现地调查相结合的研究方法,对广东省红树林现状分布进行了调查。研究结果表明,广东省现有红树林面积为12 039.80 hm2,主要集中分布在雷州半岛、粤西区域和珠江口区域;斑块比较破碎;红树林起源以天然林为主,但人工林的面积比例逐年增加;红树林保护情况较好,85.5% 的红树林纳入了各级保护区。与2001 年相比,广东红树林面积有所增加,但天然林面积有所减少,树种、起源结构也发生了相应的变化。对红树林的保护和培育方向提出了建议。
关键词:   广东省;红树林;分布;动态
Study on the Distribution and Dynamic Change of Mangrove in Guangdong
YANG Jiazhi,HU Yuhua and LUO Yong
Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute,Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute
Guangdong is the largest province with the largest distribution of mangroves. The research on the distribution and dynamic changes of mangroves is beneficial to promote the protection, recovery and rational utilization of mangroves. Adopting the research method of remote sensing division and field investigation combination, conducted a survey on the mangrove distribution in Guangdong province. The research results showed that Guangdong province existing mangrove area of 12 039.80 hm2, mainly concentrated in the area of Leizhou Peninsula and western region and the Pearl River Estuary; the fragmentation degree of mangrove patch was high.; Natural forest was the main origin, but the proportion of plantation area was increasing year by year; mangrove protection was better, the 85.5% of mangrove was included protected areas at all levels. Compared with 2001, the area of Mangrove in Guangdong increased, and the area of natural forest decreased, and the tree species and the structure of its origin had also changed accordingly. Suggestions were made for the protection and cultivation of mangroves.
Key words:   Guangdong province;mangrove;distribution;dynamics