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对马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林分在第 12 年、第 20 年进行人工间伐,并进行补植套种 7 个 阔叶树种:灰木莲 (Manglietia glauca)、枫香 (Liquidambar formosana)、樟树 (Cinnamomum camphora)、 楝叶吴茱萸 (Evodia meliaefolia)、木荷 (Schima superba)、火力楠 (Michelia macclurei)、红锥 (Castanopsis hystrix)。12 a 生马尾松间伐前林分平均树高 9.22 m, 平均胸径 14.3 cm, 平均材积 99.9 m3 /hm2 , 第 1 次间 伐后经过 8 年生长,林分平均树高比间伐后保留木增加 5.53 m;平均胸径增加 7.64 cm;平均材积增加 149.55 m3 /hm2 。阔叶树补植套种 2.5 a 后平均高 3.2 m,平均地径 4.47 cm。通过间伐套种,马尾松林分保 留木生长质量得到提升,套种 7 个阔叶树前期生长良好。
关键词:   马尾松;间伐;补植套种
基金项目:十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题 (2017YFD0600303-5)。
Quality Improvement of Mixed Thinned Masson Pine Forest
HUANG Zhangping,WANG Yingli,QIU Zhixiong,LIAN Huiming,WANG Wei,HE Boxiang,WANG Sihong and CHEN Zhisheng
The Administration Office of Shaoguan National Forest Park,Shaoguan,Guangdong forestry of science,,The Administration Office of Shaoguan National Forest Park,Shaoguan,Guangdong forestry of science,,The Administration Office of Shaoguan National Forest Park,Shaoguan,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Longyandong forest farm,Longyandong forest farm
In this paper, Pinus massoniana artificial forest were artificially thinned at 12 year, 20 year ages and supplemented with seven broad-leaf species (Manglietia glauca, Liquidambar formosana, Cinnamomum camphora, Evodia meliaefolia, Schima superba, Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis hystrix). Average height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and forest stock reached to 9.22 meters, 14.3 centimeters and 99.9 cubic meters per hectare yield respectively. After first intermediate cuttings, average height, DBH and volume of wood of the trees increased with 5.53 meters, 7.64 centimeters and 149.55 cubic meters per hectare yield respectively at the eighth year. The average height and ground diameter of supplemented trees reached at 3.2 meters and 4.47 centimeters after breading of two and half years. Quality of masson pine stand increased after intermediate cuttings and interplanting. Broad-leaf trees were well-grown at earlier stages.
Key words:   Pinus massoniana; intermediate cuttings; interplanting