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对11个桉树6 a生无性系在广东省江门市低丘台地进行了区域测定,结果表明:树高生长表现最好的前3名分别是广9、DH3229和196无性系,胸径生长表现最好的前3名分别是196、DH3229和广9无性系,单位面积蓄积最高的前3名分别是196、广9和DH3229无性系。综合分析结果,196无性系在6 a生时,树高为19.33 m,胸径为13.55 cm,单位面积蓄积为173.75 m3/hm2,单位面积木材价值为93 831.70元/hm2,是非常值得推广种植的无性系。
关键词:   桉树无性系;生长;经济效益
分类号 S792.39
Field Trails and Economic Benefits of Different Eucalyptus Clones
XIAO Xiao-Fang,YANG Zeng-Jiang,HUANG Lie-Jian,LIU Xiao-Jin and ZHANG Ning-Nan
Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry
The field trails and economic benefits of eleven eucalyptus clones (6 years old) were conducted on a low hill in Jiangmen city of Guangdong province. The results showed that:Guang 9, DH3229 and 196 ranked in the top 3 of the plant height. 196, DH3229 and Guang 9 ranked in the top 3 of the diameter at breast height (DBH). 196, Guang 9 and DH3229 ranked in the top 3 of the volume per hectare which was determined by plant height, DBH and conservation rate. According to the results, 6 yearold of clone 196, the height, the diameter at breast height and the volume of per hm2 were 19.33 m, 13.55 cm and 173.75 m3/hm2, respectively; and its economic benefit was 93 831.7 RMB/hm2. 196 was the best clone which was worth promoting in Jiangmen city of Guangdong province.
Key words:   Eucalyptus clones; growth; economic benefits