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魏书精1, 罗斯生2, 罗碧珍*2, 李小川1, 王振师1, 吴泽鹏1, 周宇飞1, 钟映霞1, 李强1
随着气候变暖加剧,全球森林火灾灾害发生的频率与强度亦随之增加,世界各地森林火灾潜 在的危险将长期存在,严重程度也将大幅增加。森林火灾对森林生态资源和全球气候产生了重大影响, 由于其突发性强、破坏性大、处置救助极为困难,是当今世界最为严重的生态灾害和突发性公共事件之 一。森林火灾发生发展规律是森林火灾预防与扑救的重要依据,加强其规律研究有利于有的放矢地开展 森林防灭火工作。针对气候变化现状及发展态势,结合气候变化背景下国内外森林火灾现状,系统论述 了气候变化对我国森林火灾发生发展规律的影响,主要阐述了气象条件影响森林火灾的发生,气候影响 森林可燃物,气候影响森林火源,气象影响森林火行为,气候决定森林火灾周期以及气候变化对森林火 灾时空分布规律的影响。在全球气候变暖的背景下,从解析我国森林火灾发生规律入手,通过气候变化 背景下我国森林火灾发生规律的研究,客观认识我国和各地区森林火灾发生发展规律,从而为国家和地 方各级政府有效开展森林火灾灾害防治和应急管理工作、切实保障社会经济可持续发展提供科学决策 依据。
关键词:   气候变化;森林火灾;发生规律;生态系统管理;应急管理
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新平台建设项目(2018CXPT001) ;国家自然科学基金面上项目(41371109);广西自然科学(2014GXNSFBA118108);
Occurrence Regularity of Forest Fire under the Background of Climate Change
Wei Shujing1, Luo Sisheng2, Luo Bizhen*2, Li Xiaochuan1, Wang Zhenshi1, Wu Zepeng1, Zhou Yufei1, Zhong Yingxia1, Li Qiang1
1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou;2.College of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University
With the increase of global warming, the frequency and intensity of global forest fire disasters will also increase. The potential risk of forest fires around the world will exist for a long time and their severity will also increase significantly. Forest fires have had a significant impact on forest ecological resources and the global climate. Because of their sudden, destructive, and extremely difficult handling, it is one of the most serious ecological disasters and sudden public events in the world. The law of forest fire occurrence and development is an important basis for forest fire prevention and suppression. Strengthening the study of the law is conducive to targeted forest fire prevention and extinguishment. Aiming at the current situation and development trend ofclimate change, combined with the status quo of forest fires at home and abroad in the context of climate change, the effects of climate change on the occurrence and development of forest fires in China are systematically discussed. The climate affects the source of fire, the weather affects the behavior of forest fires, the climate determines the cycle of forest fires, and the impact of climate change on the spatial and temporal distribution of forest fires. Under the background of global warming, we start with the analysis of the occurrence of forest fires in China. Through the study of the occurrence of forest fires in China under the background of climate change, we can objectively understand the laws of forest fires in China and in various regions. The government effectively carries out forest fire disaster prevention and emergency management, and effectively guarantees sustainable development of society and economy to provide scientific decision-making basis.
Key words:   global change; forest fires; occurrence regularity; ecosystem management; emergency managem